One must always keep the tools of statecraft sharp and ready. Power and fear - sharp and ready.
I knew Yueh's wife. I was the one who broke his Imperial conditioning. I've thought of many pleasures with you. It is perhaps better that you die in the innards of a worm. Desire clouds my reason. That is not good. That is bad.
Before I do your bidding, manling, I must cleanse the way between us. You've put a water burden on me that I'm not sure I care to support. But we Fremen pay our debts
On Caladan, we ruled with sea and air power. Here, we must scrabble for desert power. This is your inheritance, Paul.
Many machines on Ix. New machines, better than those on Richesse.
When your opponent fears you, then's the moment when you give the fear its own rein, give it the time to work on him. Let it become terror. The terrified man fights himself. Eventually, he attacks in desperation. That is the most dangerous moment, but the terrified man can be trusted usually to make a fatal mistake.