Twitter Status Random Generator

1 - Status:

{:id=>5419204048236163905, :id_str=>"5419204048236163905", :contributors=>nil, :coordinates=>nil, :created_at=>"Sat Jun 30 00:00:00 +0000 2007", :entities=>{:hashtags=>[], :symbols=>[], :user_mentions=>[], :urls=>[]}, :favorite_count=>8377, :favorited=>false, :geo=>nil, :in_reply_to_screen_name=>nil, :in_reply_to_status_id=>nil, :in_reply_to_user_id_str=>nil, :in_reply_to_user_id=>nil, :is_quote_status=>false, :lang=>"GF", :nil=>nil, :place=>nil, :possibly_sensitive=>true, :retweet_count=>898, :retweeted_status=>nil, :retweeted=>false, :source=>"<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">O'Hara, Fisher and MacGyver</a>", :text=>"Similique nihil iste soluta.", :truncated=>false}

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Ever been curious about the hilarious, insightful, or downright bizarre thoughts running through people's minds? Our status generator taps into the Twitter zeitgeist, serving up a dazzling array of tweets that could change your life, or at the very least, provide you with laughter for the day. Whether it's wisdom from a life coach or absurd ramblings from a cat lover, you'll find something that resonates, or at least leaves you shaking your head in disbelief.